Thursday, October 26, 2017

Oct 12 Harpers Ferry to Harrisonburg, VA Broadway KOA

Today, we stopped at the Shenandoah Caverns, Quicksburg, VA.  We descended to the cave floor in an elevator for a one hour tour of the  cavern. In addition to Stalactites and Stalagmites, the complex included additional exhibits of antique restored buggies, one of parade floats from  famous national celebrations (like the Rose Bowl Parade) and one of holiday  store window displays.  
Welcome to the Caverns

Original steps to the caverns, no longer
used for safety reasons.

The reminder sign that there was to be no touching the cave walls.

"Breakfast bacon" hanging from the ceiling.
An inner room formed by 2 underground rivers.  Other
rooms were formed by earth quakes.  Great slabs
were tipped on their sides.

Another inner room

Looks like the laundry drying  to me.

Whale teeth?

The guide told us that it would be
15 more years before the top and
bottom actually touch.  It's a
slow drip.

The colored lights set off the cavern walls.  The reflective pool looks like glass.

These talking bears greeted  us on the stairs. They were in on of the Rose Bowl parade.  There were several more exhibits but my phone camera had died.

After we left the parade museum, we headed
to town by-passing the yellow barn with
the antiques in it.  We had enough walking
for a while.


Our campsite in Broadway, outside Harrisburg, was quite a ways from town on a windy road  through rolling hills of farming country, not like the city parks
we have stayed in other nights. 

We had an early dinner in Harrisburg at the old railway station. Sonny had a stew called "mulligatawny" with chicken, curry and rice.  He said it was the best meal he ever had!  I had a smoked pork salad that was also tasty.

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